Academic Advisement
Whether you want advice on which courses to take, need extra help in a course you’re struggling with, or wonder whether you qualify for a program for underrepresented students, we have the answers for you.

Academic Advisement Center
The mission of the Academic Advisement Center (AAC) is to provide academic advising for Tandon's first-year students on a range of topics — from major requirements to institute regulations to life-skills development.
The Academic Advisement Center refers students to appropriate campus resources for additional support and guidance in an effort to address any institute-related issues affecting them. In addition, academic advisors advocate for first-year students with the offices of the Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Financial Services, and Admissions, as well as other institute offices.
The Center also assists with the review of first-year students’ progress each semester to determine academic standing. Academic advisors make decisions regarding the Dean’s List, probation, and disqualification, and send notifications to the students and the respective academic offices and departments. Students are directed to meet regularly with their advisors to discuss academic progress and address questions concerning their academic standing.
You can email the first-year advising team to make an appointment or stop by the AAC to see your academic advisor. Find out Who Is Your Undergraduate Advisor.
Academic Planner
Albert Academic Planner is an online tool that students and advisors can use collaboratively to plan students’ paths to graduation, term by term.
You can watch training videos and find answers to frequently asked questions on the Academic Planner website. Academic Planner is for planning purposes only; you should always speak with your advisor for additional guidance and approvals.
College Survival Tips
Academic advisors are here to assist you, however, you need to be responsible for your own academic success. The following tips will help you to successfully navigate the road to academic success.
Familiarize Yourself with Institute Policies and Guidelines
Review the School of Engineering Bulletin before starting your studies. It is important that you review the information in the catalog, particularly those relating to academic policies, conduct, and behavior and the curriculum and course of study for your major.
Attend all of Your Classes
The best way to stay on top of your work is to go to class! Make sure to go to even those early morning classes and to do all the homework and assignments on time. Develop and practice effective study habits. Set aside specific times to study in a conducive atmosphere, learn how to review all of your class material thoroughly and in advance, and form a small study group with several of your classmates.
Manage Your Time Wisely and Be Organized
Look at college as a job that will require you to spend a certain amount of time to accomplish your goals. Learning to set priorities and to plan ahead will also help you to manage your time more efficiently.
Create Realistic Goals
Developing short-term and longer-term goals that are clear and realistic will give you direction and concrete, step-by-step strategies to achieve them.
Get To Know Your Academic Advisor and Professors
Your academic advisor is your guide for your academic career at the School of Engineering. Maintaining regular contact with your advisor allows you to develop a program of study that will address both your academic needs and long-term goals.
Communicate with your professors to discuss coursework and distinguish yourself from your peers. Visit them during their office hours to discuss any questions that you have.
Take Advantage of Campus Support Services and Resources
Don’t be afraid to admit that you may need help and to ask for it! Services include Counseling, the Polytechnic Tutoring Center, Tandon Career Hub, and the resources of the Bern Dibner Library, just to name a few.
Fit In Non-academic Activities
While academics are your main focus, take advantage of the learning opportunities that extend beyond the classroom. Make friends, join student clubs and professional organizations, and get the most out of your college experience. It is the beginning of your life’s work. Learn to enjoy it. You are the navigator of this journey!